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"Hey Foster Carer" Warwickshire Listens to the Voices of Children in Care

Warwickshire County Council’s fostering team celebrated the launch of their "Hey Foster Carer" initiative, a booklet amplifying the voices of children in care.

The event, held at Old Shire Hall on February 28 2024, drew attendees interested in fostering and fostering-friendly organisations. We also welcomed experienced foster carers who were keen to listen to children in care.

"Hey Foster Carer" is the culmination of a project initiated during Foster Care Fortnight 2023. Originally titled "Dear Foster Carer," the project gives a platform to the voices of Warwickshire children in foster care. The resulting booklet offers current and future foster carers valuable insights into the thoughts and feelings of Warwickshire's children in care.

The event offered different perspectives on foster care. Four care-experienced young people shared their own experiences, while experienced Warwickshire foster carer Helen Brown spoke passionately about the importance of fostering partnerships with children in their care and their motivations for fostering for Warwickshire. Attendees also learned about becoming a foster carer or a "Fostering Friendly" organisation with Warwickshire County Council.

Team manager for foster carer recruitment Rebecca Clifford spoke at the event to explore why people should foster for Warwickshire. “We have an urgent need for foster carers and there is a huge range of opportunities and a type of fostering to suit most lifestyles. All people need is a spare room and a willingness to offer a loving and stable home to our children in care. Hey Foster Carer has given care experienced young people a chance to encourage enquirers to take the plunge and to become the committed and secure foster carers they so desperately need.”

Councillor Sue Markham, Portfolio Holder for Children and Families, expressed her pride in the project. "The voices of Warwickshire's care-experienced young people are crucial to understanding their fostering experiences and how we can best support their needs. The Hey Foster Carer booklet highlights the significant positive impact foster carers have on our young people," she said.

Councillor Markham further encouraged anyone who might be interested in fostering to get in touch. "By empowering young people and fostering carers through open communication and shared experiences, we can work together to achieve a Child Friendly Warwickshire. Anyone considering fostering is encouraged to contact the Warwickshire fostering team or attend an information event to hear first hand the difference they can make."

The "Hey Foster Carer" booklet will be used in training and assessments throughout the fostering application journey, ensuring foster carers have a deeper understanding of the perspectives and needs of the children they may care for. Warwickshire County Council offers ongoing support and training resources to their foster carers, along with fostering networks for experience sharing and learning.

For further information or to express interest in attending future events, please contact Warwickshire County Council at

If you’re interested in hearing more about fostering for Warwickshire, please join us for our next online information event on Wednesday 13 March at 7:30-8:00pm. Email for a link.

To be a foster carer poem

Published: 5th March 2024